요양보호사 자격증 재발급 Issuance of nursing care worker certificate and re-issuance in case of loss

요양보호사 자격증 재발급Applications for nursing care worker certification can be obtained through the help of the Nursing Care Training Center.
However, you can also receive it through direct application.

After the successful candidate is announced, prepare the required documents and submit the certificate issuance application form and required documents to the city/province that has jurisdiction over the educational institution where you received training.

(Civil complaints can be handled by city/county/district local governments or community centers.)

You can apply online at Government 24. Online application by proxy is not possible.

If you search for ‘nursing care worker certificate issuance’ in the search bar of the Government 24 website, an application service will appear.

Newly issued ① Joint certificate (formerly public certificate) ② Nursing care worker training completion certificate ③ Practice certificate ④ Career certificate ⑤ Copy of certificate or license ※ Copies of career certificate and qualification (license) certificate must be submitted only in applicable cases ⑥ Mentally ill, narcotics, cannabis or psychotropic A health certificate from a doctor proving that you are not a drug addict ※ Recognition only if diagnosed and issued within 6 months from the date of application reception. ※ The health certificate includes “Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Act on Mental Health Promotion and Welfare Service Support for Mentally Ill Persons.” ※ If the diagnosis results are ambiguous, such as ‘opinion, evidence, speculation’, etc., it will not be recognized ⑦ 1 photo (3cm x 4cm) , color photo of the upper body taken without a background (picture) with the hat removed within 6 months from the date of submission) Reissue ① 1 photo ② Documents proving the need to change the information (in case of changes to the information) ③ Original certificate ( If it is damaged or the information needs to be changed)

Within 30 days from the date of receipt of documents, re-issuance within 7 days

TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
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요양보호사 자격증 재발급
