운전면허 벌점조회 하는 방법 How to check driver’s license penalty points

When driving, you end up violating the law due to ignorance or a momentary mistake, and even if you pay the fine on time, it is not easy to manage the accumulated penalty points. Depending on the violation, the penalty point limit can easily be exceeded, and if you take it lightly, your license may be suspended. Today, we will check the penalty points on your driver’s license and find out how to reduce them.

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How to check driver’s license penalty points Thumbnail

Driver’s License Penalty Point Regulations
When you violate traffic laws, which is a common occurrence while driving in your daily life, you accumulate demerit points. In addition, when a traffic accident occurs, you also receive demerit points depending on the circumstances. Since these penalty points are cumulative, like mileage, your license may be suspended or, in severe cases, your license revoked, depending on the accumulated penalty points, so you must first know the relevant regulations.

● Suspension of driver’s license
If you accumulate 40 demerit points due to a single law violation or traffic accident, your license will be suspended.
● Driver’s license cancellation
If the accumulated driver’s license penalty points exceed 121 points for 1 year, 201 points or more for 2 years, or 271 points or more for 3 years, the license will be revoked.
You must keep this in mind because in the event of a violation of the law or a traffic accident, all penalty points accumulated over the past three years will be accumulated based on the relevant date.


Penalty point standards for each violation
It is not easy to exceed 40 points by committing a few traffic violations. However, penalty points vary depending on the location of the violation, and in the case of speeding violations, depending on the speed exceeded, you may receive well over 40 points at once. Moreover, the penalty points resulting from an accident are even more severe. Therefore, even if it is difficult to fully understand the contents, just looking at the contents at least once can help you recognize the severity, so we recommend that you look at the penalty point criteria according to the violation at least once.

The maximum score is 100 points for retaliatory driving while intoxicated, and only 2 points for personal damage due to a traffic accident. Please refer to items 1 and 3 of the Road Traffic Act Enforcement Rules for driver’s license violations.


Immediately check penalty points for each violation


How to check driver’s license penalty points
If you have roughly checked the penalty points for each violation above, it is now time to check your penalty points.

The most common way to check your driver’s license penalty points is to use the National Police Agency’s Traffic Complaints 24 site, but there are also other ways to inquire through the Safe Driving Comprehensive Complaints Center, the police station’s call center, or directly visit the Complaints Office.

● National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 (Ipine)

As a representative method, the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24 is a site that allows you to handle various civil complaints related to driving, such as checking demerit points on an individual’s driver’s license as well as checking and paying various fines and fines.

You can search through “National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 Access → Inquiry → Driver’s License → Driver’s License Penalty Points”. As mentioned earlier, since there are many civil service services to use, we recommend logging in using a financial certificate or simple authentication (Kakao, National PASS, Naver, etc.).


Traffic complaints 24 Check my penalty points

Traffic Civil Service 24 Homepage 1
Traffic Civil Service 24 Homepage 2
Traffic Civil Complaints 24 Install the mobile app


● Comprehensive complaints about safe driving

Although it is less extensive than the National Police Agency’s Traffic Civil Service 24, it is a site that provides traffic safety education as well as information on driver’s license tests and complaints regarding driver’s license issuance.

You can make a reservation immediately for penalty point reduction training if necessary after checking at “Road Traffic Authority Safe Driving Comprehensive Complaint Access → All Menu in the upper right corner → My Page in the upper right corner → Driver’s License Penalty Point Inquiry.”


View penalty points for safe driving integrated complaints


● Police station call center/civil complaint room

The police station’s complaint call center is number 182 without area code. Penalty point inquiries are basic, and you can also provide necessary civil service consultation, such as inquiries regarding international driver’s licenses and camera enforcement.

The civil affairs office is the most intuitive method and allows direct civil consultation in complex situations, so if you need this method, please check with the police station in advance and bring your ID before visiting.


Check addresses and contact information of police stations nationwide


When will penalty points disappear?
Fortunately, penalty points are eliminated. However, this applies only to those with less than 40 points. If the individual penalty points are less than 40 points, the penalty points are extinguished and reset when one year has passed from the date of the last violation of the law or the date of the accident, and the penalty points for those with more than 40 points are maintained according to the standards.

For those who are expected to exceed demerit points, more active measures are needed. There are ways to reduce driver’s license demerit points by obtaining points to use in advance by receiving relevant training or pledging to drive safely and cautiously.


How to reduce driver’s license penalty points
● Penalty point reduction training

If your penalty points are less than 40, 20 penalty points will be reduced if you complete 4 hours of special traffic safety training (3 hours of lecture, 1 hour of audio-visual) provided by the Road Traffic Authority. Although it is limited to once a year, it is mandatory training for those who do not need to have their license suspended.

Applications can be made on the Safe Driving Comprehensive Complaints website (you can also apply on the Road Traffic Authority website, but it will link to the Safe Driving Comprehensive Complaints site anyway) → Traffic safety education → Reservation for special traffic safety training → Identity verification → Confirmation of eligible candidates for each training course → Select training center and training date → Pay tuition → Complete reservation


Apply for demerit point reduction training


● Good driving mileage system

If demerit point reduction education is an afterthought, the good driving mileage system is a preparatory system like vaccination.

It is a system that allows you to apply for a pledge at Traffic Civil Service 24 and receive 10 preferential points if you comply without violating it for one year. If you accumulate mileage in advance, you can deduct penalty points in case of violation, so it is useful, and above all, you can use the pledge. I think it is a good system because it can remind you of your commitment and mindset to drive safely during the application process.

Go to “National Police Agency Traffic Civil Service 24 Access → Application Menu at the top → Apply for Good Driving Mileage” and enter your name, month of birth, and license number. Information such as the pledge period and compliance requirements will be displayed, and the pledge will be completed when you press the issue button.


Apply for Good Driving Mileage


So far, we have looked at driver’s license penalty points and looked into active ways to reduce them. I hope you find this helpful. Thank you.