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It is a system that meets various job demands and contributes to work-life harmony by supporting full-time workers to shorten their prescribed working hours according to their needs (family care, personal health, retirement preparation, study, etc.).
Work-life balance job incentive support project

Priority support companies and mid-sized companies that voluntarily introduce a system to reduce working hours and allow working hours to be reduced according to employees’ needs (family care, personal health, retirement preparation, studies, etc.)
– Apply if you meet all of the requirements below
① Compensation for wage loss ② Support for indirect labor costs for up to 1 year to business owners

※ Companies eligible for priority support are companies that must be given priority when carrying out employment stabilization projects and vocational skill development projects. Companies with less than 500 workers in the manufacturing industry, mining/construction/transportation/publishing, video, broadcasting and communication, and information services/business facility management and Business support service industry/professional, science and technology service industry/health industry and social welfare service industry with 300 or fewer employees, wholesale and retail industry/accommodation and restaurant industry/finance and insurance industry/art, sports and leisure-related service industry with 200 or fewer employees, other industries with 100 or fewer employees Applicable to companies
※ Confirmed with a mid-sized business confirmation issued by the Korea Mid-sized Enterprise Association (www.mme.or.kr)

① Wage reduction compensation
Support if the wage paid by the employer is more than KRW 200,000 per month compared to the wage reduced in proportion to the hours due to the reduction of prescribed working hours.

② Indirect labor costs
Provides KRW 300,000 per month per person to business owners of priority support companies and mid-sized companies to cover the costs of personnel and labor management for short-time workers.

Company A, a priority support company, has one worker (assuming 500,000 won compensation for reduced wages) who wants to reduce her regular working hours from 40 hours a week to 30 hours for 3 months due to pregnancy. If the business owner of the company applies for the work-life balance job incentive, he or she can receive support of 1.5 million won for three months.

Wage reduction compensation
Since the wage reduction compensation is 500,000 won, it is eligible for wage reduction compensation, so 600,000 won (3 months If the amount is over 200,000 won, wage reduction compensation is paid)

indirect labor cost
Since 300,000 won is provided per month, 900,000 won is provided for 3 months.

You can receive a total of 1.5 million won, including compensation for wage loss and indirect labor costs.
Ministry of Employment and Labor Customer Service Center (☎1350 without area code)
This is a system to support small and medium-sized business owners who have reduced actual working hours across the company by more than 2 hours starting in January 2024.

Support target
Employers who established a plan to reduce working hours and reduced actual working hours (regular work + overtime work) by more than 2 hours

Worker Requirements
Insured persons employed on the last day of the month immediately preceding the shortening period.

Support details
300,000 won per worker per month
※Support for 30% of eligible workers (maximum of 100 people)
*However, if there are less than 10 workers eligible for support, 3 workers will be supported.

Application period
Support for up to 1 year from the date of implementation of the plan to reduce actual working hours (incentives paid every 3 months)

There are systems that create an organizational culture that harmonizes workers’ work and life and improve the treatment of workers with unstable employment. Through this system, employers can encourage long-term employment of workers and receive incentives. Let’s learn about the support systems you need to know to maintain stable employment.
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