음주운전 신고 포상금 Will the reward for reporting drunk driving be reinstated at 300,000 won per case? Korea Economy TV

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2023-04-19 10:23
Edited 2023-04-19 10:25
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300,000 won per case… Will the reward for reporting drunk driving be reinstated?
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The reward system for reporting drunk driving in Jeju is expected to be revived for the first time in 10 years. According to the Jeju Provincial Council on the 19th, an amendment to the ‘Ordinance on Jeju Autonomous Police Affairs and Operation of the Autonomous Police Committee,’ which includes the implementation of the reward system for reporting drunk driving, was approved by the Health and Welfare Committee of the Provincial Council. It was passed. This amendment to the ordinance establishes the basis for paying a reward when reporting drunk driving and requires autonomous police to be in charge of operating the drunk driving reward system. Recently, drunk driving accidents occur day and night across the country, including Jeju Island. In a situation where alcoholism is emerging as a social problem, attention is being paid to whether the ‘drunken driving report reward system’ will be able to take root and whether it will spread to other cities and provinces. Despite the Jeju Police Agency’s advance notice of crackdowns, a total of 9 drunk driving cases were reported in the drunk driving crackdown on the night of the 14th. Driving was caught. The amount of the reward is determined through internal deliberation by the autonomous police unit once the ordinance revision process is completed. The reward system for reporting drunk driving was implemented for the first time in the country in Jeju for about six months from the end of November to the end of May 2012. . At the time, the reward was uniformly 300,000 won per report, but from April 2013, depending on the blood alcohol level, the level of license revocation was 300,000 won and the license suspension level was 100,000 won. Kang Ho-jun, secretary general of the Jeju Autonomous Police Commission, said on the 18th At a temporary meeting of the Provincial Council’s Health and Welfare Committee, he explained, “Drunk driving is still not eradicated. We are pushing for the reintroduction of the system to raise awareness that drunk driving can be reported at any time.” However, some provincial council members are responding to suspected drunk driving cases. It is being pointed out that police work may be increased due to frequent reports of At that time, the number of reported cases continued to increase, putting a huge burden on administrative power, and due to a lack of budget for the reward, it was discontinued after 6 months. (Photo = Yonhap News)

음주운전 신고 포상금
