인터넷 우체국 내용 증명 How to apply for and inquire online proof of content (download the form for free)

인터넷 우체국 내용 증명 What is Internet content verification service?
This is a postal service in which the post office publicly certifies that the sender sent a document with ‘some’ content to the recipient ‘when’.
You can apply for proof of contents through the 24-hour Internet Post Office without visiting the post office.

Post office internet proof of contents

Internet content verification function
– This is a system mainly implemented when it is necessary to leave the contents of mail sent as evidence at a later date regarding gains and losses of rights and obligations, such as the performance of credits and obligations, between individuals, and to urge debtors to fulfill their obligations. .
– Content-certified mail is safe if sent as ‘Delivery Proof’ mail, which leaves a delivery record.

Effectiveness of Internet content verification
It should be noted that the post office only proves the contents of the document and the fact that it was sent, and the fact that the certification of contents has been sent does not create legal effect.

※ If registered mail is returned due to unknown address, etc., there is a return registration fee (2,100 won).
※ Please refer to the post office usage fee as the usage fee may change.

You can create and send a content certification document online at the Internet Post Office website ().

Internet Post Office > Mail > Certificate Service >
Click the [Apply] button on the Content Certification Application screen
STEP 1. Internet content verification

Click the login or non-membership application button
STEP 2. Internet content verification

Agree to terms and conditions and self-certification (non-member application)
Select mail and enter sender and recipient information
STEP 3. Internet content verification

Complete the application by filling out the proof of contents with a document editor and paying the fee
STEP 4. Internet content verification

Print and send my proof of contents

Electronically archived content certification documents can be searched and viewed online.

Internet Post Office > Mail > Certificate Service > Content Certificate
Click the [Apply] button on the inquiry screen

Search for proof of contents after member verification
(Enter registration number or registration number)

After verifying qualifications, search application details for certification of contents

※ Content documents can be viewed or re-certified at any time within the retention period of 3 years.

You can download, edit, and use proof-of-contents samples from the Internet Post Office website.
Click the [Download Content Certification Form] button at the bottom of the contents certification.

– The document files that can be imported from the document editing tool are Hangul, MS-WORD, PowerPoint PDF, Excel, and NEXEL.
– The document file must be edited vertically in A4 size, and the margin standard is at least 20mm on the top, 40mm on the bottom, 15mm on the left, and 15mm on the right.
– A maximum of 150 copies of the document containing the alumni content, including attachments, address, proof of contents and electronic postmark, are limited, and the number of recipients that can be sent once is 4,320.
– Content certification using mail merge is available from 2 people and is limited to 150 pieces including content documents, attachments, addresses, content certification seals and electronic postmarks.

You can apply for internet content certification in a variety of ways: single content certification, alumni content certification, and multiple content (mail merge-mail merge).
For how to use it, you can select an item from the postal options when applying for proof of contents.

The requested proof of contents is produced by mail through the printing center and sent to the recipient.
Mail delivery takes 1-3 days from the date of application.

You can use the printing service only once after applying for proof of contents, and since it is a printout with various security applied, it cannot be forged or altered, so the effect as the original is guaranteed.

You can conveniently use the Internet contents certification service that can be applied anytime, anywhere without visiting the post office in person.

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