자동차 검사 예약하는 방법 How to Schedule a Car Inspection

This is an important project that protects the people’s precious lives and property from traffic accidents and environmental pollution by checking whether the vehicles in operation are safe and comply with emission standards.자동차 검사 예약

자동차 검사 예약


It contributes to the prevention of traffic accidents by determining whether the car in operation is suitable for safety and prevents environmental pollution from noise and exhaust gases. In addition, it protects the property rights of citizens to confirm the identity of the car, and checks whether liability insurance is subscribed and whether illegal tuning is performed. Contributes to establishing driving order by checking



How to check car inspection reservation


Type of car inspection

Regular inspection: Inspection conducted regularly at certain intervals after new registration
Comprehensive inspection: Inspection conducted on automobiles and specific diesel vehicles registered in areas where detailed exhaust gas inspection is implemented
New inspection: Inspection conducted when making a new registration
Tuning inspection: Inspection conducted when a vehicle has been tuned in accordance with Article 34 of the Automobile Management Act


How to check car inspection reservation

Temporary inspection: Inspection conducted irregularly upon receipt of an order under the Automobile Management Act or the same Act or upon application by the vehicle owner
Repair inspection: An inspection conducted when a total loss vehicle is to be driven after being repaired.
Two-wheeled vehicle inspection: Inspection conducted at regular intervals to check whether the vehicle meets the emission standards.
Taxi meter usage test: Test conducted to check the accuracy of the fare meter device during regular inspection of taxis and ambulances or temporary inspection for vehicle age extension.


How to check car inspection reservation

How to schedule a car inspection

1. Click [Schedule a car inspection] below – Select a car, two-wheeled vehicle, large bus, etc. – Click make a car inspection reservation


Book a car inspection





How to check car inspection reservation

2. Agree to terms and conditions – Select inspection site/date – Payment – Complete


To find an automobile inspection station, click [Go to National Automobile Inspection Station] below and then click on the desired region.


Go to National Automobile Inspection Center





How to check car inspection reservation

How to confirm car inspection reservation

Click [Confirm car inspection reservation] below – Select the vehicle you have reserved, such as a car, two-wheeler, or large bus – Enter the car registration number, reservation holder’s mobile phone number, and authentication number to check the reservation


Check your car inspection reservation





How to check car inspection reservation

Car inspection fines and administrative dispositions

If you do not undergo a regular automobile inspection or comprehensive inspection within the inspection validity period, you will be subject to a fine of up to 600,000 won.


Fine for violation period
Within 30 days from the next day of the inspection period
(Inspection period is 31 days before and after the inspection validity period expiration date) 40,000 won
Starting from the 31st day, 20,000 won will be added for every 3 days exceeded.
600,000 won for over 115 days