장애인 연금 Stability of living for the disabled > Allowances and pension support > Disability (person) pension > Disability pension under the National Pension Act (main text) | Easy-to-find lifestyle law information

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▪ The age at the time of the first diagnosis of the disease or injury must be 18 years or older (however, if you subscribed before the age of 18, it refers to the date you became a subscriber) and you must be under the old-age pension payment age.
national pension
Subscription period
▪ Applicable to any of the following:
1) The period of payment of pension insurance premiums at the date of first treatment for the disease or injury is more than one-third of the period covered by the subscription.
2) Pension insurance premiums have been paid for more than 3 years from 5 years before the date of first diagnosis for the relevant disease or injury to the date of first diagnosis (however, cases where the period of arrears during the subscription period is more than 3 years are excluded)
3) The subscription period at the time of first diagnosis for the disease or injury is more than 10 years.

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