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Compare gas station prices and find cheap gas stations nearby

Gas station price comparison and how to find a cheap gas station near you

주유소 가격비교

While the price of gasoline and diesel is rising day by day, people are trying to save money on car fuel.
I have a heart, but I usually go to the gas station I often go to, or find a cheaper place among nearby gas stations that the navigation tells me while driving. To save fuel costs, there may be things like using a gas-specific card or driving habits, but I think the most important thing is to find a gas station that is as cheap as possible. Today, we will learn how to find the cheapest gas station near you through price comparison.

주유소 가격비교

1. How to find the cheapest gas station near you
2. How to find a budget-friendly gas station
3. Driving habits to save gas




1. How to find the cheapest gas station near you
The easiest way to find the cheapest gas station is to use the app (application) ‘Opinet’ serviced by Korea National Oil Corporation.


① Download ‘Opinet’ from the App Store and click the Open button.


② Click ‘Gas Stations Near Me’ on the first screen of Opinet.




③ You can see a list of the cheapest gas stations nearby. Click the ‘Manually set my location’ button at the bottom to set a gas station in the desired area. To change it to the default value, click ‘Top menu > Gas stations near me’.


④ Click the list to check the location of the gas station on the map. Click the Details button on the right to view the phone number and oil price information (gasoline, diesel, etc.) of the gas station. In connection with installed navigation apps (T-map, Kakao Navi, etc.), you can get direct directions.

Navigation selection screen

TIP: Using the PC Web
You can also check the website of Opinet on your PC. After searching for ‘Opinet’ on the search site,
You can use the service through the ‘Find a cheap gas station’ menu.

① Click the ‘Find cheap gas station > By region’ menu.


② You can find cheap major stores by selecting the nearest area and brand.






2. How to find a budget-friendly gas station
Thrifty gas stations are government-sponsored gas stations that sell oil at a low price through joint purchase of oil, tariff benefits, and minimization of operating costs. You can filter and view only thrifty gas stations through simple settings on Opinet.


① Click the Settings (gear-shaped) button on the top right.


② All the brands are clicked, leave only Affordable Gas Station and deactivate it, then click the Save button.



③ You can view only thrifty gas stations by filtering them.

TIP: Register on the first screen to find a gas station
On the setting screen, you can set the first screen when running the app. If you set it to ‘gas station near me’, you won’t have to click twice the next time you connect.






3. Driving habits to save gas
It is said that changing your driving habits can save you money on the road. Introducing good driving habits that increase fuel efficiency.


① Abrupt start and braking:
According to statistics, even if you reduce sudden start, rapid acceleration, and sudden braking, you can reduce the cost of automobile fuel by more than 14%.

② Maintain economic speed:
When driving, keep the economic speed of 60~80km/h. According to a survey result, if you comply with the economic speed, you can save 152 liters per year (based on 15,500km driving and fuel price of 1,800 won) and save 10% of fuel costs.

③ Reduce engine idling:
It is said that even 5 minutes of unnecessary idling costs the same amount of gas as driving a car for 1 km. If the car is to be stopped for more than 3 minutes while driving, put the gear in neutral or turn off the engine. When idling to warm up the car, 1 minute in summer and 2 minutes in winter are sufficient.





④ Reduce car weight:
If you fill up the fuel all at once, the weight of the vehicle becomes heavier and the fuel consumption increases. The proper refueling amount is 70 to 80% of the fuel tank, so it is better to avoid filling it up when refueling, and it is said that reducing weight by organizing unnecessary luggage in the trunk is also effective in saving fuel.

⑤ Maintain proper air pressure:
Tire maintenance is also one of the ways to increase fuel economy. If the air pressure is too low, the tire may burst, and if it is too high, the riding comfort may be poor. However, since the air expands in the summer, you should slightly reduce the air pressure for safety.

⑥ Not pedaling when going downhill:
On a downhill, it is said that fuel economy is saved even if the accelerator pedal is not bright while maintaining the gear.


So, let’s finish this post. I hope this information is helpful in your daily life. thank you