천관보 가격 및 효능, 후기 Cheon-Gwan-Bo Price, Efficacy, Reviews

Cheongwanbo price component
There is an old proverb in Korea that says, “Dong-ga-sik is Seo-ga-sook.” If you write it in Chinese characters, it means “Eating in the East and serving in the West.” It 천관보 가격 means “eating in the east and sleeping in the west”, which means a nomadic life. If you interpret this word modern medically, you can take it to mean that when you eat, you should focus on vegetables and grains in an oriental style, and when you sleep, you should eat a western style like a bed, not a blanket on the floor. Even modern Koreans still have an ondol-type culture where they stand up and sit on the floor, so they are said to have nearly twice as many knee degenerative arthritis compared to Westerners. Therefore, a Western-style lifestyle that avoids activities that put strain on the knees in daily life is recommended.

Light – even at home – when it’s hard –
If mountaineering isn’t-used-to-be-be-used
When you feel-discomfort-during-daily-living-
If the joint is no longer the same as it used to be
The price of Cheon-Gwan-Bo is much cheaper than the hospital bills incurred when joints are damaged. In addition, it is known that health functional products are more effective for joints. In this post, we will look at the effectiveness, ingredients, and price of Cheon-Gwan-Bo.

천관보 가격

Cheon Kwan Bo Price Efficacy Ingredient Side Effects
Cheon Kwan Bo’s 4 Ingredients
For joint health, health functional foods containing MSM are popular. Chong Kun Dang Cheon Kwan Bo, which is known to be effective for knee joints, is a product made by Chong Kun Dang Pharmaceutical Company, which is well known for Penzal. Main ingredients include MSM and Schisandra chinensis extract, as well as B vitamins and zinc.

Cheon Kwan Bo – Ingredients – 4 kinds
Ingredients of Cheon Kwan Bo
1. Cheon Kwan Bo ingredient MSM functional raw material
MSM, one of the ingredients of Cheon Kwan Bo, is a natural dietary sulfur. MSM helps to improve joint and cartilage function, and CheonKwanBo contains 2,000mg of MSM, a natural dietary sulfur.


As a result of a human application test of MSM, it was confirmed that joint discomfort decreased from the 2nd week, and a definite decrease was seen at the 12th week.

Human application test result
Cheon Kwan Bo ingredient, MSM
2. Cheongwanbo ingredient Schisandra chinensis extract
Schisandra chinensis extract, one of the components of Cheon-Gwan-Bo, is the only domestically recognized raw material for muscle strength improvement, and as a result of the human body application test, it was confirmed that “quadriceps strength and grip strength” were improved.

Quadriceps Strength – Grip Strength – Improvement
Cheon Kwan Bo ingredient, Schisandra chinensis extract

3. Cheon Kwan Bo ingredients B vitamins and zinc
In addition to MSM and Schisandra chinensis extract, B vitamins and zinc help to boost vitality and improve normal immune function.

Zinc and Vitamin B

Cheon Kwan Bo ingredients, vitamin B and zinc
4. Cheon Kwan Bo ingredients, 33 sub-ingredients
In addition to the ingredients identified above, L-Methionine, L-Histidine, L-Leucine, L-Valine, L-Isonomycin, L-Tryptophan, L-Phenialanine, Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Turmeric Root, Tangerine Fruit Peel , Ganoderma lucidum mushroom, perennial wormwood aboveground part, eucalyptus bark, oxtail root, angelica root, cnidium rhizome, astragalus root, kudzu root, thorny ginseng stem, licorice rhizome, safflower seed, antler, quince fruit, raspberry fruit, dry ginger, peppermint aboveground part It contains various ingredients such as , mistletoe and jujube.

Cheon Kwan Bo – Sub-Ingredients
Cheongwanbo price component


Cheon Kwan Bo side effects
Let’s look at the side effects of Cheon Kwan Bo. Although there is no special case for the side effects of Cheon-Kwan-Bo, it is said that no matter how good a health functional food is, if you take it in excess of the prescribed amount, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Cheon-Gwan-Bo contains 60 packets of 70 ml per month, so you can take 1 packet twice a day. Because each person’s constitution is different, allergic reactions such as red spots or itching may occur after taking Cheon-Kwan-Bo. If these symptoms occur, stop taking it immediately and visit a nearby hospital for consultation with a specialist. .


Cheongwanbo price
Cheon Gwan-bo has a policy of not disclosing prices online. The price is not open due to the application of premium marketing, in which a professional counselor provides 1:1 consultations on individual age or health conditions.

CheonKwanbo-Premium-Price Consultation
Cheongwanbo Price Consultation
If you go to the Chong Kun Dang Cheon Kwan Bo official website, there is an additional 3+1 gift event. It is also a benefit. If you want to know the detailed price of Cheon Kwan Bo, you can find out through phone consultation on the official website of Cheon Kwan Bo products, and since Cheon Kwan Bo phone consultation is free of charge, it is recommended that you feel free to apply and receive personalized consultation. .