청년내일채움공제 신청방법 및 자격요건 How to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction and Qualifications

Summary of how to apply for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

If a young person accumulates only 4 million won for 2 years, the company and the government support 4 million won each, giving a total of 12 million won, and the ‘Youth Tomorrow’s Filling Deduction’ has started. Let’s take a quick look at how to apply.

청년내일채움공제 신청방법

Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction 12 million won
The Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction, supported by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, the Korea Employment Information Service, HRD-net and Worknet together, is a system that accumulates a total of more than 12 million won, 400 for the youth (person), 400 for the company, and 4 million for the government.

청년내일채움공제 신청방법




4 million won each for youth/enterprise/government
From March 2nd, the small and medium-sized business accumulation deduction system will be implemented to help small and medium-sized businesses solve their manpower shortage, long-term employment and asset formation. If the youth accumulates KRW 4 million, the company and the government jointly accumulate KRW 4 million, giving a total of KRW 12 million to the youth.


It is an effort to solve the fundamental problem of solving the problem of long-term employment in small and medium-sized enterprises through the burden of financial support for young people in companies. As a result, the government is also supporting the same reserve fund of 4 million won.


The subject of application is as follows. These are young people and companies newly employed in the small manufacturing and construction industries with more than 5 people and less than 50 people who are struggling due to manpower shortages. Young people and companies wishing to join can apply quickly by contacting the relevant job center from today (March 2).


Full-time employees between the ages of 15 and 34 who have been employed for less than 6 months can apply. Student status is not applicable. In addition, only those who have completed military service can apply up to the age of 39, including the period proportional to the period of service. The income requirement must be less than 3 million won per month, and those who have no history of subscribing to employment insurance immediately before, or who have been enrolled for less than 12 months after graduating from the final level of education are eligible for the final application.


However, please note that those currently enrolled in high school or university or on leave of absence as of the date of full-time employment are excluded, and short-term subscription history of 3 months or less is excluded from the total subscription period.


In addition, the history of employment insurance must meet the conditions of 12 months or less. However, since you are forced to fill the company for 2 years, you need to be a little more careful in applying if you have thoughts of leaving or changing jobs.


You can apply online after logging in to the official website of Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction. Approval is completed through Worknet after qualification screening, and you can apply for subscription on the Youth Deduction Subscription website. When applying for subscription, please consider the time required for qualification screening (approximately 10 days) and apply for participation in Worknet in advance.


Required documents for application are business registration certificate, certificate of employment industrial accident insurance, list of persons who have obtained employment insurance business qualification, certificate of national and local tax payment, shareholder list, certified copy of corporate registration, salary statement (not required), and all processing is completed when submitted only by the company. . And, if necessary, enter the employee’s own annual salary by referring to the payslip, etc., and it is complete.


The scale of support in 2023 has decreased significantly compared to last year. A whopping 50,000 people lined up for 20,000 people. Although the size has been reduced, since the purpose is to help young people build assets, simultaneous subscription between asset formation projects for young people such as the Financial Protection Committee and Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction is allowed.


The difference from last year is that there is a reduction in scale, but the most important thing is that up to 100% of the accumulated amount can be returned in case the youth tomorrow is canceled. Most of the reasons for early termination were business closure.


This is a solution to the situation where the company does not receive a single penny for the amount paid by the company despite not being responsible for the youth as the company closes down.


For young people employed by small and medium-sized businesses, it creates enough reasons for long-term employment through the merit of long-term service (co-funded by youth/company/government) and provides a lump sum of money plus 12 million won plus interest.




2022 vs 2023 change

▶ Check the 2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction Notice


Changes in the 2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction
1️⃣ Change the reserve fund burden ratio

In 2022, in the reserve structure of KRW 12 million, with 3 million won for the youth themselves, 3 million won for the company, and 6 million won for the government, the youth/businesses/government will equally accumulate 4 million won each in 2023. There are changes to .


As a result, young people will receive a accumulated deduction of more than three times the amount they paid after two years of accumulation. In addition, the classification of reserves and support methods according to the size of the existing company results in a differential burden, so that all companies bear 100% of the corporate burden (4 million won).


2️⃣ Restrictions on the size and type of supported companies

In 2022, all small and medium-sized businesses with more than 5 employment insurance insureds were able to apply for youth tomorrow’s filling. However, in 2023, the target industries for support were limited to small-scale manufacturing and construction industries with more than 5 to less than 50 people who are experiencing serious manpower shortages.


3️⃣ Duplicate registration possible

Until 2022, it was not possible to join the asset formation support project conducted by other ministries at the same time. However, in 2023 for the asset formation of young people, overlapping subscriptions to the purchase of asset formation support from other ministries are possible. For example, overlapping subscriptions to the Financial Services Commission’s new youth contract account and the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s youth tomorrow savings account make it possible for young people to build thick assets.


4️⃣ Change of business entity

Until 2022, the subject of the project was a private consignment operating institution. However, from 2023, it will be changed to the competent job center, and the work for new subscribers will be done in the job center itself. However, for existing subscribers, it will be carried out as it is in the existing operating institution.


Summary and Notes
Seoul / Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gangwon / Busan, Gyeongnam / Daegu, Gyeongbuk / Gwangju, Jeolla / Daejeon, Chungcheong, Sejong, etc. 52 operating institutions nationwide


▶ Apply directly at the Small and Medium Venture Business Corporation


▶ Go to the website of the nationwide employment center operating agency


Summary and Notes
Details on how to apply for the Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction are as follows: You can apply online at the official website of Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction. You can directly access the homepage address and simple application through the shortcut at the top of the article.


The integrated call center, a customer consultation center, is ☎ 1350. Consultations are available from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays, and the extension numbers are 3 and 8. In addition, real-time 1:1 KakaoTalk consultation on youth policy is also being conducted, so please ask any questions you have.


One thing to keep in mind is the case of early termination. Cancellation of subscription, cancellation of contract, suspension of payment, and midterm termination are clearly stated.


Cancellation of the contract refers to an early termination if the intention is accurately expressed within one month, and in the case of early termination, it is an expression of intention to request termination of the contract due to a certain reason after a formal contract.


If you are in the middle of the day, the cancellation refund will be different depending on the reason of the company and youth. In addition, please refer to the subscription period.


If you look at the subject of cancellation refund according to the reason for termination, the company is subject to business closure or bankruptcy. In the case of early termination due to company circumstances, the young person can receive all the interest on the gold price paid by the person (youth).


The principal and interest paid by the principal and interest can be paid even if the cancellation is due to the principal, but the government subsidy can only be paid if the period is more than 12 months but less than 24 months from the time of cancellation.


And if you look at the individual reasons among the reasons for youth, youth contributions go back to the youth, corporate contributions go to companies, and government subsidies go back to the government only in the case of illegal acts (illegal supply and demand).


▶ 1:1 youth policy real-time counseling



Good article to look at together

2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction Implementation Guidelines

2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction Implementation Guidelines.pdf

Additional Youth Deduction Guidelines (Applicable to subscribers before `22)

Additional Guidelines for Youth Deduction (Applicable to subscribers before 2022).pdf

How to apply for the 2023 Youth Basic Income Subsidy

The Youth Basic Income Grant is one of those things that should not be missed by anyone living in the area. It even pays 250,000 won per quarter for a total of 1 million won, and only age and years of residence are paid.





1. 12 million won for Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction

2. 2022 vs 2023 changes

3. Summary and Notes

4. Good writing to look at together


2023 Youth Tomorrow Filling Deduction Application Guide