충북 제천 팬션 추천 Jecheon Dunsol Pension | how is it

충북 제천 팬션 추천– Coupon box
How about here Customer Happiness Center
9am – 3am

338-6 Worak-ri, Deoksan-myeon, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do



50,000 won



80,000 won



80,000 won



KRW 120,000

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Operating Policy >

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Operating Policy >

In order to provide reliable, high-quality reviews to customers, only members who have actually used the accommodation through reservation payment can leave a review, and the written review is marked with the ‘Real Review’ certification mark.
The best review is a review recommended by the seller or hereby comprehensively considering the review content, number of characters, registered photos, and date of writing.
When you check in to your accommodation, you can write a review.
Here, our basic operating policy is to post all positive/negative reviews written by customers as they are.
In accordance with Article 44 Paragraph 2 of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. (request for information deletion, etc.), posts that violate the following policies will be deleted.
Customer Happiness Center 1670-6250 9 am – 3 am

충북 제천 팬션 추천
