칼로커트 가격 및 후기,효과,부작용 총정리 Comprehensive summary of Calocut prices, reviews, effects, and side effects

It’s a bit awkward to The manufacturing date is October 1, 2015. And the expiration date is 3 years, so there are about 6 months left. The reason it’s 2015 is because that’s when I started taking calories. Now, Bo-young Lee is the model, but at the time, Shin-young Jang was the model. I left an inquiry after seeing the ad, and she called me the next day.칼로커트 가격


I talk about my height and weight and how much I would like to lose, especially where I would like to lose some weight, and so on. Then, the coach tells them that they can eat like this and that if they exercise just this much at home, the results will appear quickly.


칼로커트 가격


Honestly, what many people are most curious about is the price of Calcutt, but they say they can’t tell you about it due to policy. I guess it’s because there are slight changes. Usually, there are discount events for each season, such as spring and summer, and there are also additional giveaways. I think people who say they’re going crazy because they’re curious about the price can just ask the price and hang up. Haha.


You can purchase by individual months, such as 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, etc., but most people buy 4 months’ worth. That was a big discount and interest-free for up to 5 months.




Boyoung Lee’s Caloro Cut contains 60 packets per box, and she eats 2 packets a day. In my case, I bought 4 boxes, so it would have been a total of 4 months’ supply. (But 2 months later, I bought 4 more boxes haha)


After eating, I inhale the bag right away. It breaks down the fat and excess calories I ate and excretes them through poop. So it is good for eliminating stool and prevents you from gaining weight.




Calocut one month review


There is someone who provides professional advice and advice when purchasing. He continues to manage it. What is this? I really haven’t lost any weight in 15 days. About 1 to 2 kg? But this is the weight you lose when you wake up in the morning, and this is the weight you will lose if you adjust your diet for about a week. If it were just one effect, would it be that my terrible constipation was resolved??


I said I wanted to return it to the sister who took care of it. In fact, the price of calocut is not cheap and it is not effective… so there is no need to eat it.


He asked. Did you control your diet, exercise?


Of course I said I didn’t do it. If you’re trying to lose weight through diet or exercise, there’s no reason why you should eat this. I buy it because I want to lose weight without eating everything and exercising… can you all agree?




They said that drugs that make you lose weight in a few days without doing anything are bad for your health. The effect usually takes about a week or so, but he said it seemed to be a bit slow to respond due to my constitution, so he told me to trust him and take it for just one month.


Since one box had been opened anyway, I couldn’t return it, so I decided to try just one box.




It’s easy cut so it’s comfortable

It’s easy to fold and carry in your bag.




3 pills in one bag

Just take 3 pills like this after eating.

what I just ate

Calories turn into fat or gain weight

It blocks it.


First of all, I am about 162~3 tall.

I weighed about 55kg.

I’m not just fat

So much so that people just say it looks good?

It’s okay if I lose weight, but where?

I had the type of body that asked questions like that.

Hidden belly fat, thigh fat, and butt fat

It’s something only you know.


I started because I wanted to gain about 47kg to 48kg.




This is what I ate for about two weeks.

I lost a little over 1kg.


At this time, I was discouraged.

Should I return it?

Calocut has no effect ㅠㅠ


My sister who takes care of me

she believes in herself

Just one box that has already been opened

She even told me to try it haha.




This is about a month and a week later.

I lost about 6kg.



Controlling your meal size?

I didn’t do it at all.


If you do it that way, there is no reason to buy something like this.

Calocut review:

The peak appears about a month or so ago.

Of course, without doing anything

This is the point at which weight loss occurs naturally.




Spirulina and calocut


I still have the box manufactured in October 2015

That’s because I’m still eating what I bought then.


Did you start taking it in October?

And in December, I already lost about 5 to 7 kg.

It had been accomplished.


There is a discount + additional giveaway event during Christmas in December.

I made an additional purchase right away that year.

So I’m still eating what I bought back then.




How did you eat until now?

If you have lost as much weight as you want

There is no need to take 2 packets every day.


Currently weighing between 47 and 48 kg.

Because of weight maintenance and constipation problems

Take 1 packet a day

Or they may not eat it at all.


Usually you buy 4 boxes

There are 60 packets each for a total of 240 packets, and if you give an additional gift,

Because it’s close to 300 bags.

You can eat it for almost a year.

I am now

It doesn’t cost you money at the price of a cut cut~


Of course, I am satisfied with the review.

As I said, this is a real review that I bought with my own money.

When you meet friends from high school or college,

I also recommend it to my friends.

I bought several and am eating them.




The reason why I showed you a picture of spirulina

There was a time when there were rumors that calocut had strange ingredients.

Spirulina is good for your health

The color of the ingredients is all similar.


Green tea catechins?? What kind of ingredient is that?

These days, I’m paying a lot of attention to my health.


brazil nuts





I’m eating it all.

Because I don’t buy calocuts now.

I think I’ll be able to eat what’s left until this year.

I’m buying a lot of different health products.

Live until 100 years old haha


This is a real review that I bought with my own money.

I was satisfied, but

There may be some people whose constitution does not suit you.

I think it would be best to make a decision after careful consultation.

Consultation does not necessarily mean you have to buy it, so don’t feel pressured.

We are not pushovers

Because we have to spend our hard-earned money wisely.