통신비 미환급금 조회방법 및 환급 받는방법 How to inquire about unreimbursed communication expenses and how to receive a refund

Today, we will find out how to inquire about unreimbursed communication expenses that occur when using the Internet, pay TV, and mobile phones.


There are a lot of advertisements saying that someone received hundreds of thousands of won, and it would be nice if everyone could get it back like that, but the reality is not like that. First of all, you might be wondering if there are any outstanding payments I will receive. So, you need to know how to check and check the communication fee unreimbursed first.


Unreimbursed communication expenses can be largely divided into mobile phone bills, paid broadcasting and internet usage fees.

What is a non-refundable mobile phone bill?

Non-refundable mobile phone charges refer to the amount of money that should be refunded for communication charges due to various reasons of the individual, and the type of non-refund that occurs depends on the subscribed product. For reference, you can usually apply for a refund if a refund occurs after canceling your mobile phone or settling your usage fee.


통신비 미환급금 조회방법

통신비 미환급금 조회방법


For details, you can check it by contacting the relevant telecommunications companies such as KT, SK Telecom, LG U+ SK Broadband, and SKT Affordable Phone. You can also check the website of each carrier. You can apply for a refund of the non-refundable amount of cancellation by visiting the agency or on My Page of the homepage.

What is the pay-TV unrefunded amount?

If a pay-TV service subscriber wants to cancel the service, after paying the settlement fee up to the point of cancellation, post-payment result in advance (pay the current month fee in advance at the beginning of the month and cancel it before the end of the month), double payment of the fee (direct payment and Automatic transfer), non-receipt of equipment deposit, etc.

the service provider

LG Elrovision, SK Broadband, Dalive, CMB, HCN, Namincheon Broadcasting, GCS Blue Broadcasting, KCTV Jangju Broadcasting, JCNS San Broadcasting, CCS Chungbuk 6, KCN Geumgang Broadcasting, Sogang Broadcasting, KCTV Jeju Broadcasting, ABN Areum Broadcasting, KT Skylife, etc.

Check the non-refundable amount in the pay-TV non-refundable amount information inquiry system



▶ You can go to the website below (Wise User Broadcasting Communication User Information Portal), search by resident registration number and name, and check the refund amount.

Wise User Broadcasting Communication User Information Portal

Wise communication service life of wise users

Go to the unrefunded amount inquiry without separate login on the homepage.

Paid TV Non-Refund Site
Paid TV Non-Refund Site

Go to pay TV non-refund inquiry

Pay-TV non-refund inquiry
Pay-TV non-refund inquiry

All you have to do is select your resident registration number, name, cable or satellite broadcasting company, and select an area to search.

Pay-TV non-refund inquiry
Pay-TV non-refund inquiry

Search unreimbursed communication expenses at once

As in the above method, you can check the mobile phone by mobile phone and the broadcast by broadcast individually, but there is also a convenient way to check at once.


▶ Go directly to the website called Smart Choice.

Telecom fee information portal

We provide various services such as rate plan recommendation, handset subsidy inquiry, and unrefunded amount inquiry.



First of all, when you enter Smart Choice, you press the telecommunications non-refund banner that appears below without logging in and enter.

Smart Choice Homepage
Smart Choice Homepage

And select the telecom non-refund inquiry.

Inquiry of non-reimbursement amount by telecommunications in Smart Choice
Inquiry of non-reimbursement amount by telecommunications in Smart Choice


Then, select your name, resident registration number, and the corresponding telecommunication company, agree to the collection and use of personal information, and click inquiry.

Inquiry of non-reimbursement amount by telecommunications in Smart Choice
Inquiry of non-reimbursement amount by telecommunications in Smart Choice


The result is 0. It is the moment when hope is swollen for a while and then fades away.

Inquiry of non-reimbursement amount by telecommunications in Smart Choice
Inquiry of non-reimbursement amount by telecommunications in Smart Choice
Above, we looked at how to inquire about unreimbursed communication expenses. We recommend that you do not be fooled by the exaggerated advertisements, check it out right away, and collect the unrefunded money thriftly, if any.