트래블로그 카드(신용vs체크) Travellog Card (Credit vs. Check)

After the coronavirus outbreak, the number of people traveling abroad has increased significantly.

트래블로그 카드

트래블로그 카드

One of the important things to consider when traveling abroad is money. 1. How to exchange currency cheaply before going abroad,

2. How to use the card overseas, etc…

The Hana Travellog Card is a travel card with many advantages that can solve both of these concerns at once.

The Travel Card is especially recommended when traveling to Japan a lot these days.


We will immediately inform you about Travellog benefits and issuance methods, as well as how to exchange yen and use it locally when traveling to Japan.

Travelogue Card Benefits
Travelogue Card Yen Currency Exchange
Travellog Check Card
From the word travel, you will get the strong feeling that this card is optimized for overseas travel.

1. 100% preferential exchange rate when exchanging 26 types of foreign currencies (limited time)

2. Exemption of overseas usage fees (when using overseas affiliated stores and withdrawing money from overseas ATM devices)

From the above alone, you may think that it is quite beneficial to get a travelogue card when traveling abroad.


If you would like to check the detailed benefits and apply for issuance, please follow the link below.

Hana Card

Notice on restrictions on some card applications Some card applications are temporarily restricted due to system inspection by Government 24, an agency that verifies resident registration card information. Restricted time: 06.19 20:00 ~ 06.21 11:00 Restricted information: Residents applying for card

Travellog foreign currency exchange 100% preferential treatment
Travelogue Card Yen Currency Exchange
Travellog exchange rate preference
Among the benefits of the Travelolog Card, I believe that the preferential exchange rate benefit is the most powerful.

There are 100% preferential exchange rates for a whopping 26 types of foreign currencies. As the period is written until December 31, 2023, it does not appear to be continuous, but it may be extended depending on the situation, so be sure to check the exchange rate preference before applying for currency exchange.

This seems to be good news for those looking for a cheap way to exchange yen. 100% yen exchange preference.

Travel log issuance method and check/credit card selection
Travelogue Card Yen Currency Exchange
Travelogue Card Yen Currency Exchange
Travelogue Card Yen Currency Exchange
To issue a travel log, you can go to the link shared above and apply for issuance via PC.

You can apply after installing the Hana Money app.

When applying for a Travelogue card, you can choose between a check card or a credit card. Check cards have no annual fee.

Credit cards incur an annual fee of 20,000 won.


How to exchange Travellog Card for yen and use it locally
Here’s how to exchange yen with the Travelogue Card and receive it in Japan.

1. Link your Hana Bank account in the Hana Money app.

2. Select the currency you want to exchange (JPY because it is yen) and select the desired amount to charge it in yen.

3. Yen converted through the Hana Money app can only be withdrawn from local overseas ATMs.

(Be careful because a fee will be charged when exchanging money back to Korean Won)

4. After arriving in Japan, you can withdraw your exchanged yen without a fee at a nearby 7-Eleven convenience store ATM.

(Fees apply when using other convenience store ATMs)


Exchange yen in advance through the Hana Money app, and receive actual yen using the Travelogue card.

This is how to do it at a convenience store ATM in Japan.


Other ways to exchange yen other than Travellog
The Travellog card has the convenient advantage of allowing you to exchange yen in advance through the app and go to Japan empty-handed.

I think some people may be uncomfortable with this method because they are concerned about possible emergency situations (lost card, card malfunction, etc.).

Please refer to the blog post below as we will also share other ways to exchange yen cheaper than using the Travelogue card!!