폐업지원금 Hope Return Package

폐업지원금We support stable transition to wage workers and recovery by providing allowances for job search activities of closed small business owners.

A person who has reported business closure and completed job search* or employment**
Apply within 14 months from the date of completion of the Hopeful Return Package (employment training, business reorganization consulting)
* ① Complete employment within 12 months of completion ② After securing a period of employment of at least 30 days ③ Apply within 14 months
* Job-seeking activity recognition project: Confirmation of participation in the National Employment Support System project
Issuance (enter IAP establishment date), completion of Labor-Management Development Foundation Restart Package training
Choose 1 of ①②③
* Documents for viewing are not accepted as they have no legal effect.
Small and Medium Business Integrated Call Center 1357 without area code
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