현대자동차 서비스센터 직영점 Introducing how to search Hyundai Motor Company’s direct service center

현대자동차 서비스센터 직영점Today, I would like to share how to find a Hyundai Motor Company service center. Surprisingly, there are many cases in which many people do not know about direct service centers. In addition, there are many cases where the Hyundai Motor Service Center structure is not well known. So today, let’s take a look at the types of places where you can get car maintenance and repairs from Hyundai Motor Company, what they are different from, and what the differences are. Personally, this content was written based on what I studied while preparing to make a reservation for a comprehensive vehicle inspection and maintenance of my actual father’s vehicle.

According to Hyundai-Kia Motors, the global sales of Hyundai Motors and Kia Motors in 2019 were 4,422,644 and 2,770,693, respectively, for a combined total of 7,193,337. As of 2019, Hyundai Motor’s domestic market share reached 48.4%. In other words, almost half of domestic vehicle drivers operate vehicles produced and sold by Hyundai Motor Company. Nevertheless, it seems that many people are still not familiar with the service center structure, which consists of Hyundai Motor Company’s direct service center and Blue Hands, an individual business structure. Occasionally, when issues related to customer service satisfaction occurred, a considerable proportion of the issues occurred during visits to Blue Hands rather than directly managed service centers. And in fact, whenever such an issue occurs, many people in the automobile community unanimously say something. “Go direct management” Then what the heck is direct management?

The feeling we get as soon as we encounter the word direct management in our lives is exactly what we can know from the dictionary meaning of the word. It seems that it can be seen as an organization and a branch directly managed and operated by the head office. In a word, it means that all personnel, places, tools, and various other things managed in the space are implemented according to the headquarters policy and operation. So, what are the advantages of a directly operated service center? Since it is operated in a structure directly connected to the head office, there is a lot of room for the company to respond immediately to all issues that arise here, and it can be possible to respond quickly and deal with work. For example, in a car composed of 30,000 parts, various customer claims can be generated by a number of cases. However, when the cause of any problem starts with a simple component defect, maintenance personnel’s mistake, misjudgment, and numerous factors, if the factor that can be determined by the head office’s policy maker is the cause of the problem, if it is not directly managed, the problem will be resolved. It can be very difficult to solve. So what are the downsides of direct service centers?
First, making a maintenance appointment itself is difficult. Because it is so popular, if demand is too concentrated in terms of supply and demand, there are many cases where you have to wait for that long. It is difficult to use a direct service center if you need vehicle maintenance in a hurry. Second, it is expensive. I don’t know if it’s obvious, but if you are a member of Hyundai Motor Company in the maintenance industry, the salary is naturally high, so the repair cost (labor cost) of the direct service center is proportionally higher than that of Blue Hands. Of course, compared to the cost of repairs at imported car dealer service centers, Hyundai Motor Company is still an angel itself.

First, access the official website of Hyundai Motor Company. Then, follow the screen path below to access the page where you can search for a direct service center.
Source: Hyundai Motors official website (service network search/reservation)

I decided to find out how many direct service centers are located in Seoul and where they are located. Currently, there are a total of three directly managed service centers in Seoul, and they are made up of southern, eastern and northern areas. After selecting the region you want to search in the conditional search and clicking Search, the following result screen is displayed. If you see Blue Hands in this part, change the item to ‘Service Center’ in the upper right corner of the picture below and click OK to see only the direct service center separately. As you can see from the picture below, you can see that there are only three in Seoul, the capital of Korea. In particular, in the case of Gangwon-do, only one service center is operated directly in Gangneung. At this point, I can understand why the direct service center is so overbooked and it is not easy to schedule.
Source: Hyundai Motor Service Center in Seoul

In this way, we can find a direct service center and receive a maintenance reservation service right from this screen. If you can’t usually get a solution at Blue Hands or if you want to get a more professional maintenance inspection, you can use a directly managed service center.

Bluehands, service center, direct service center, vehicle maintenance, Hyundai Motor Company

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현대자동차 서비스센터 직영점
