휴대폰 미납 대출The most important thing to keep in mind when managing your credit score is to avoid late payments. If you are overdue on a loan from a financial company or a credit card company, your overdue information is registered with the financial sector and credit information companies. If delinquent information is registered, your credit score will drop and you will be subject to significant disadvantages in financial transactions such as loans. Once delinquent information is registered, even if the debt is repaid, the delinquent record remains for a while and becomes an obstacle to financial life. Therefore, great care must be taken to prevent delinquent information from being registered due to a minor mistake. Non-financial transactions, such as telecommunication bills or utility bills, should also not be delinquent. Late payments will also have a negative impact on your credit score.
What is the exact standard for delinquency? Financial authorities divide delinquency criteria into ‘short-term’ and ‘long-term’. If more than 300,000 won is overdue for more than 30 days, you will be registered as a short-term delinquent. When this happens, your credit rating usually drops by 3 to 4 levels. If you pay more than 1 million won in arrears for more than three months, you will be registered as a long-term delinquent and your credit rating will be adjusted to a greater extent. Once registered as a delinquent person, even if the delinquency is repaid, short-term delinquency is shared with the financial sector for one year and long-term delinquency for five years to be used in credit evaluation. In the case of short-term delinquency, those with two or more delinquency records over five years will have their delinquency history information shared with the financial sector for three years.
Until a few years ago, the standards for registering short-term and long-term delinquency were ‘100,000 won or more for more than 5 days’ and ‘500,000 won or more for 3 months or more’, respectively. However, as concerns grew about being stigmatized as a ‘delinquent person’ by accidentally delinquent small amounts, these standards were recently introduced. This has been alleviated to some extent.
The point to note here is that delinquencies that do not meet the short-term delinquency criteria do not mean that there are no problems. For example, if you pay your credit card bill 10 days late, that record will remain with the company. Even if delinquency history information is not shared with financial institutions such as credit rating agencies, additional loans or loan maturity extensions, etc. may be denied by the relevant financial institutions.
In general, the areas with the most delinquency records are telecommunication bills and smartphone device installments. If you do not pay your smartphone device installment for a certain period of time, your credit score may drop. Non-payment of communication bills is not yet used as delinquency information. However, since communication bills often include terminal installments, credit scores often drop when communication bills are overdue.
Starting this year, a path has been opened to receive debt restructuring for overdue mobile phone bills. The Credit Recovery Committee has been operating a system since last March that allows installment payments of telecommunication debt, including mobile phone bills, with the three mobile telecommunication companies. The target group is those who have been delinquent on their financial debts for more than 3 months and are receiving debt adjustment (individual workout) from the Financial Services Commission. Those who are delinquent (ex officio terminated) with telecommunications debt (telephone bill + small payment amount) of less than 1 million won in arrears. They can repay the arrears in installments for up to five months by submitting a debt adjustment confirmation document from the National Security Commission to the telecommunication company. Once the installment payment is completed, you will be able to sign up for a mobile phone in your own name. The installment payment system is only implemented for the three telecommunication companies, and budget phone companies are not yet eligible.
There are also some things check card users should be careful about. In many cases, check cards include a postpaid transportation card function, but even if this payment is delayed, a delinquency record remains. However, for youth under the age of 18, card use will be suspended until the transportation fee is repaid, and there will be no disadvantages other than overdue interest.