흑염소 진액 효능 및 부작용 정리 Summary of black goat essence efficacy and side effects

We have included detailed information that you may be curious about, such as the effectiveness and price of Lee Gyeongjae’s black goat essence, so we hope that it will be helpful for a healthy life, especially for those who feel that their body is not the same as before.


흑염소 진액 효능

흑염소 진액 효능

Lee Gyeong-Gyeong Black Goat Essence
Lee Gyeong-Gyeong Black Goat Essence
Lee Gyeong-kyeong’s black goat essence is a processed meat extract product distributed and sold by ‘Laeoi Gyeong-jae’, a company created by Mr. Lee Gyeong-kyeong, who is famous as an oriental medicine doctor and often appears on health and entertainment programs.

Although it does not use ingredients recognized for its health functionality, as you can see from the product name, it is a product that uses ‘black goat’ as the main ingredient.

Black goat contains a lot of various nutrients such as arachidonic acid, amino acids, calcium, and vitamin E, so it is so effective that even people who are lying down are said to wake up when eaten as a health food since ancient times.

This product is even more popular because it is a product made by decocting not only black goat but also precious traditional oriental medicinal ingredients used in herbal medicine.


🔎 Lee Gyeong-kyeong black goat essence ingredient

Black goat mixed extract 100% [solids 2% / black goat (domestic) 30%, mulberry leaves, arrowroot roots, mulberry young branches, mugwort leaves, peony roots, dried tangerine peel, motherwort aerial parts, acanthus root, licorice, angelica root, Cheongung rhizome, Eucommia, Hwangchil tree, Bokryeong sclerotia, dried Rehmannia glutinosa, ginger, jujube, Dunggule, cinnamon, malt, Aronia concentrate, Aronia]


Efficacy of Lee Gyeong-kyeong’s black goat essence


1. Rejuvenation
Black goat is rich in arachidonic acid, which has the effect of increasing physical strength and replenishing energy.

Donguibogam refers to black goat as the best food for replenishing energy, and it is said that King Sukjong also ate it as a health food whenever he was low on energy. In fact, a placebo-controlled experiment proved that taking arachidonic acid for 8 weeks increased physical strength and strength.

In addition to black goat, Lee Gyeong-kyeong’s black goat essence also contains traditional ingredients such as citrus peel, aronia, and licorice, which are known to be good for rejuvenation.

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2. Muscle growth and strength strengthening
muscle growth
Arachidonic acid in black goat increases muscle cells, increases muscle recovery, and improves exercise performance. In fact, bodybuilders often take it for muscle growth.

As you age, muscle mass decreases because muscle cells decrease. Muscle loss can impair various body functions and cause complications.

To prevent muscle mass loss, taking black goat, which is rich in arachidonic acid, may be helpful.




3. Brain health and nervous system stability
brain health
Lee Kyeong-kyung’s black goat essence is a product made by decocting domestic black goats grown by eating only mulberry leaves as the main ingredient.

It also contains mulberry leaves as a secondary ingredient. Mulberry leaves contain 1000% more GABA, which is known to be good for brain health, than green tea.

GABA is an ingredient commonly used as a brain nutrient. It is effective in improving memory by promoting brain cell metabolism and preventing dementia, stroke, and depression.

Additionally, arachidonic acid, a key nutritional component of black goat, is one of the most abundant omega-6 fatty acids in the brain and plays an important role in the health of the nervous system.

Arachidonic acid protects brain cells from oxidative stress and has the effect of activating proteins necessary for neuron metabolism, which also helps with the decline in brain function due to aging.

It may also be helpful for those suffering from menopausal symptoms such as forgetfulness, illness, and depression.




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4. Improved blood circulation
cold hands and feet
Black chlorine can help with blood circulation by purifying the blood.

Black goat has less cholesterol and fat than regular meat, and is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which has the effect of lowering cholesterol levels.

It also contains many additional medications that are effective for blood circulation, so people with cold hands and feet, numbness, or abdominal pain can benefit from taking it.


Because it helps improve blood circulation, it can prevent various adult diseases such as diabetes, arteriosclerosis, and heart disease, and is also helpful for vision health.





Lee Gyeong-Gyeong Black Goat Essence Price
The price of 30 packets (1 box) of Lee Gyeonggi’s black goat essence is 59,000 won.

This price is the regular price, but you can purchase it a little cheaper during discount events or when purchasing bundles such as 90 or 240 packets.

If you are curious about actual reviews from people who have purchased the product and where it is sold, please refer to the link below.