Mann age and Korean age, Korea has two ages. In everyday life, the Korean age is used, but in the legal part, mannai is used. Many people confuse the age used in foreign countries because it is the age of 10,000.
What is your age?
how old are you? When asked, the age at which I usually say I am 20 is Korean age, that is, ‘counting age’. Counting age becomes one year at birth and increases by one year as of January 1st every year. Along with the saying that eating tteokguk increases one year, everyone gets one year older regardless of the day they were born.
However, the age increases by one year from the date of birth. Even if you were born in the same year, you only get one year older after your birthday. It is also the age used in the legal part.
Manna this calculation
If the birthday has passed after subtracting the year of birth from the current year, the age is the full age. If it has not yet passed, one year is subtracted. Conversely, Korean age is calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the current year and then +1. So, depending on your birthday, there are cases where Mannai and Korean age are two years apart.
There is no need to do any calculations because there are no early birthdays, but it seems that our country is very complicated. 만 나이 계산기
How to follow mannai 좋은뉴스
In Korea, there are many things that people cannot do unless they turn 18 even if they are 20 years old. Those under the age of 18 cannot obtain a driver’s license. You must be 18 years of age or older to view movies that are not allowed for viewing by teenagers. However, this is not possible if you are still in high school. You must be 18 years of age or older to join the military. You can also take the level 9 civil service exam and apply for a working holiday from 18 to 30 years old. Above all, you must be 18 years of age or older to vote today.
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