요양보호사 자격증 국비지원 Cost of a nursing care worker’s license and state funding #2024 amendments

In order to obtain a nursing care worker certificate, you need to receive education and practice at a nursing care worker education institution. The nursing care worker certificate cannot be obtained by self-taught because the set 240 hours of training completion time are set. Therefore, I will tell you how to provide state-funded support to save money on academy and education to obtain a nursing care worker certificate, and even the exam schedule. 요양보호사 자격증 국비지원


cost of a care worker’s license
It is difficult to tell you exactly because the cost of the nursing care worker certificate varies from one institution to another, but it usually costs between 500,000 won and 800,000 won per person. The cost of the academy usually includes teaching materials and field training.


Certificate costs per classification
400,000 won to 800,000 won for new students

However, the nursing care worker certificate can save money because state funding is available for incumbent employees. Then, let’s find out about state funding.

요양보호사 자격증 국비지원

How to get state funding for a nursing care worker’s certificate
Anyone who is currently employed or unemployed can apply for state funding. State funding can be provided only after applying for a learning card tomorrow and receiving it.


How to apply for tomorrow’s learning card
There are two main ways to apply for tomorrow’s learning card. Among them, you can apply for the card after signing up for the online HRD Vocational Training Portal site. If you click the button below, you will be connected to the HRD-Net site, so please apply for the learning card quickly tomorrow.

Visit your nearest employment center and apply in person
Apply for a learning card tomorrow after signing up for membership on HRD-NET site
Apply for a learning card tomorrow


Find out about state-funded academies
If you applied for a learning card tomorrow, you need to find out which educational institutions are funded by state funds. If you access the site through the Apply for Tomorrow Learning Card button above, you will find educational institutions that can receive state funds by typing “Care Care Worker Certificate” in the first search box below. If you click on the area next to the search box, you can search for educational institutions in your area, so please refer to that.



Changes to Caregiver Certificate 2024
In order to enhance the professionalism of nursing care workers, training hours for nursing care workers’ certificates will be changed from 240 hours to 320 hours from January 2024.


Classification from January 2024, 2023
Theory 160 hours 240 hours
80 hours of practical skill. 80 hours
Total training hours 240 hours 320 hours

In addition, as the training time increases, the cost of education is expected to increase by about 300,000 won. Therefore, if you are interested in the nursing care worker certificate, you should hurry to obtain the certificate this year.