국민연금 환급금 National pension refund

This time, I’m going to learn about how to inquire and apply for a national pension refund. Insurance premium refund is the amount that must be returned due to reasons such as double or mistaken payment, retroactive loss of eligibility, and retroactive adjustment of insurance effect. Please note that inquiries can be made through the National Health Insurance website.

국민연금 환급금

■ National Health Insurance refund inquiry 국민연금 환급금


As you can see on the home screen, you can inquire and apply for refund of the national pension. After clicking Apply, you can proceed through Personal Information Agreement > Personal Information Input > Account Information Input. 좋은뉴스


■ Refund inquiry on the National Pension website


You can also inquire about overpayments of the National Pension Service on the National Pension website. You can proceed by selecting Inquiry > Payment History > Overpayment Inquiry. If you click Apply for Overpayment Refund, you will be connected to the social insurance integrated collection portal site, and individuals can apply through the National Health Insurance homepage as shown in the image above.