농협 금융인증서 발급방법 Create financial certificate, joint certificate (formerly public certificate)

In the past, public certificates were often used to log in to banks and insurance companies, but now financial certificates are often used. I also installed a financial certificate for the first time, so I will show you how to install it. First, find out what a financial certificate is. ​ ​ What is a … Read more

카카오뱅크 계좌개설 Shinhansol Kakao Bank Securities Account Opening

hello. At the beginning of the year, it is often necessary to reissue or submit various documents. In particular, there are frequent cases where a copy of the bankbook is required for deposits and withdrawals. Since Kakao Bank is an internet-only bank, there is no real bankbook. In these cases, we will show you how … Read more

토스 신용등급 조회 Check Toss credit rating and credit score

As the smart era has come, mobile A lot of things are being added and changed. The same goes for credit rating checks. ​ This is something I have known for a long time, but Since then, I’ve been organizing everything. 토스 신용등급 조회 ​ Today we are going to learn how to check the … Read more

아파트 공시지가 조회 방법 enter the building number and name of the complex

After selecting an eup, myeon, dong, city, county, or city, enter the building number and name of the complex. 아파트 공시지가 조회 방법 If you enter a road name and it does not appear, you can search again by lot number and it will appear. So, if you do not find it even after searching … Read more

대학생 체크카드 추천 A must if you are a college student! Recommend college student debit card

20’s card recommendation What kind of debit card do college students in their 20s use? There are many debit and credit cards for people in their 20s at each bank. You must select and use a card that suits you well to receive many benefits such as points and discounts. Today, I’m going to introduce … Read more

차상위계층 증명서 발급 Issuance of certificates for the next upper class

You need to check whether you can receive benefits from the next lower class through the method of checking the lower class. Today, I will tell you how to check the second-class class and how to get a confirmation letter. You must have heard a lot about the Basic Livelihood Recipient. In fact, it is … Read more

국민은행 마이너스통장 Know the pros and cons of Kakao Bank Kookmin Bank’s minus bankbook

​when buying a car to use leverage, card installment I do have a car loan There are many cases where negative accounts are pierced. I don’t like to be in debt. I hate unnecessary spending and interest expenses 국민은행 마이너스통장 I prefer a limit loan (minus bankbook) to a general loan. Interest rates are slightly … Read more